Shiba Inus

Shiba Inu

I am a member of the National Shiba Inu Club and the Correspondence Secretary of the Heart of Dixie Shiba Inu Fanciers regional Shiba Inu Club. 

Gaylord's Kuma Lisa Shomaisou FDC CGC TKN is the foundation of our breeding program at Takikawa "Waterfall River" Shiba Inu.

To be considered as a potential home for one of our show quality or pet quality puppies, please fill out our Puppy Application Form. 

To learn more about Kuma, her health testing, and parents, visit our Good Dog Site:

To see the most current puppy pictures and available puppies, visit these sites:

Kuma is always ready for adventure

Kuma spends her time playing, performing and learning. Not only does she have points toward her championship, she also has earned the following titles: 
FDC: Farm Dog Certified 
CGC: Canine Good Citizen 
TKN: Trick Dog Novice

Kuma taking OH Group 4 in Kentucky

Kuma is handled at shows by our daughter, Kristina.
Read an article published by the American Kennel Club about Kristina and Kuma here:

Kuma has a very important job as Puppy Preschool Teaching Assistant

She warms them after baths

She plays with them

She rides in the puppy stroller
